GraceFinder Ministry

The GraceFinder Ministry seeks to come alongside people during university and beyond to navigate successes, storms and lulls in life.
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The Gracefinder Ministry seeks to come alongside people during university and beyond to navigate successes, storms and lulls in life. Our aim is to give people hope beyond themselves to a grace (Jesus) that goes with us all the way to the end. This translates into studies, reflections, meditations, teachings, and seminars. We try to fit people with a resource to help them with whichever need they are experiencing, whether it is a book, sermon, or a hug and listening ear.
We love the university campus because We get to journey with leaders in the process of becoming such amazing people. We have the privilege of being a voice to alumni as they have children and enter new seasons with more questions and accumulation of struggles and disillusionments with their ideals and expectations (often idols of perfectionism and sin management). We try to put the cookies of grace on the trail so people can be encouraged on the path to a new heaven and a new earth; to a world where "all the stolen voices will someday be returned" [“The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)”; U2]
We wish to give people the breathing room to struggle and be in pain, not to apply band-aid answers but true friendship that stays and listens. Our goal is to point to a God who, because of Christ, isn't angry with them. We seek to go beyond the standard professional solutions that focus on things like “5 Tips for Living a Meaningful Life” We are seeking to be faithful in the ordinary walk of faith to develop leaders on campus,to educate and dialogue with the church through seminars, and build a team to resource the city as we work at our day-to-day living in business, schools, home etc. We want to be living all areas of life under grace.
Chaplain's Office 169A HUB Chaplains's Centre 
University Of Alberta, 
Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1

Accounting office: PO Box 78109 Edmonton, 
RPO Callingwood, AB T5T 6A1

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